In a world where we rely increasingly on gadgets, never forget the importance of palpation and the power of touch.
Developing a feel for tissue is not only something that requires education, but also a lot of just plain old hands-on experience. I'm grateful for the ability to do my job full time because it allows me to put my hands on dozens of horses every month, and this has greatly improved my palpation skills.
Machines have their place but in my humble opinion, can never replace what can be done with a skilled pair of hands - and that's why I choose to further my business with knowledge and widening my manual skill set, rather than investing in machines. That's not to say that I never will add a machine to my offerings, but I feel strongly that bodyworkers should invest years of time on their hands and their brains before that happens.
The best known people in our local industry aren't known for their use of machines. They rely on the many many years of experience that they have acquired by touching horses, and their testimonials and reputations speak for themselves. Think about that!
So if you're wondering why I haven't bought into a therapy product or machine - these are my thoughts on the topic. My opinion is my own and if yours is different, that's okay too! Thankfully the horse world has many different avenues for everyone to travel so that all of our needs are met. Cheers!