Links & Resources
Please enjoy this curated list of helpful links. These are resources that Kaiti has used herself and recommends to her clients.
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Free to Be Equine Clients Group - Visit our free, private group on Facebook, specifically for clients of Free to Be Equine Services. Kaiti shares links, articles, resources, research studies, inspiration, news, and more. Please request to join if you’re a client - we would love to have you in the group!
Horses Inside Out Academy (Gillians Higgins learning library) - An online learning hub to access high-quality, on-demand content if you want to learn about equine anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, rehabilitation, stretches and exercises, and more. Free to join, with many free videos included.
The Whole Horse Podcast - Kaiti’s favourite horse-related podcast. Educational and inspiring interviews with equine professionals around the world. Listen wherever you access podcasts, or on the website, for free.
Equine and Canine Red Light Therapy Products - High quality, proven products for relieving pain, reducing inflammation, improving circulation, and healing soft tissue injuries in dogs and horses. Follow this link to purchase through Kaiti’s affiliate program.
Outside the Box Equine - A hub for all things species-specific horse-keeping, with tons of resources, a content-rich blog, multiple related online courses, a shop with fabulous horse-friendly things, in-person, on-property consultations and more. Look for the new online course, “Build a Horse Track System (on the West Coast)".
The 24 Behaviors of the Ridden Horse in Pain - A must watch for all equestrians (free on YouTube). Through a six-phase study, spanning three years, and over 400 horses, Dr. Dyson and colleagues developed The Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram, a tool to reliably predict lameness before the condition worsens into limping and other obvious signs of injuries. The Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram is a catalogue of 24 behaviors, which scientific studies have demonstrated can be associated with pain in the ridden horse.
Equine Hoof Care Fundamentals - Online course offered by Nicole Jory. Whether you’re a first-time owner or an experienced professional, this online course on Equine Hoof Care is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge to maintain healthy hooves and recognize potential issues before they become serious problems.
Biomechanics Basics - Free online course introducing you to basic biomechanics principles and lameness assessment for horses. A must for all horse owners and riders. Dr. Barbara Parks, who created this course, says “these are things I hope will become common knowledge in our industry - that's why it's FREE!”
The Animal Synergist - Sarah Griffiths, DCH has an informative website with resources to learn about species-appropriate nutrition and holistic horse keeping. She is also available for equine nutrition consultations.
EQ Therapeutics - Elisse Miki holds multiple designations in both human and equine therapies. She offers a variety of reasonably priced equine manual therapy related online courses, appropriate for horse owners to learn to work with their own horses.
The Polyvagal Theory and Horses: An Introduction - Informative introductory article by nervous system expert Sarah Schlote of EQUUSOMA. Highly recommended for anyone who wishes to better understand our horses’ nervous systems and how it governs their behaviours, as well as their physical and mental health.
Balance Through Movement Method Academy - If you’re looking for ways to support your horse’s nervous system, physiology, and learn about the importance of the thoracic sling, check out the online academy for exploring the Balance Through Movement Method with Celeste Lazaris. There is a free preview to learn more about how to implement the theory and practice into your interactions with horses. Kaiti has been part of the Masterclass since 2022 and finds the information very valuable.
Kissing Spines Masterclass - An excellent online course from Dr. Barbara Parks to better understand kissing spine and how to rehabilitate this common dysfunction in horses. Highly recommended for anyone with a horse who has been diagnosed with kissing spine, or whose horse is at risk of developing it.
Check back for more resources as they are added!